We come upon the scene of a brightly lit bioproduction laboratory with a group of scientists watching their purification process, scratching their heads. “If only there were a better way,” the scientists exclaim while shaking their fists to the sky. “Maybe now there is!” comes a booming voice into the room with a catchy, but unrecognizable tune playing in the background….

Ok, scientific solutions never happen this way, better ways do exist in science, and usually, it takes the right nudge for the improvements to be disseminated to the right people. The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program was the appropriate jolt to kickstart some uniquely innovative science, and of course, the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers from MilliporeSigma (Merck) have been at the vanguard of this initiative to foster collaboration and inspire bioprocessing innovation.

In this new podcast, our two panelists discuss the recent completion of a Horizon2020 collaborative project that brought together Lek Pharmaceuticals and the M Lab Collaboration Centers and led to the implementation of a fully integrated manufacturing platform for mAbs based on continuous chromatography, in addition to a range of other downstream bioproduction innovations. Many of the next-generation bioprocessing topics discussed in this current podcast tie in well with a previous podcast on the subject. Make sure you check them both out!

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Gorazd Hribar
Technical Transfer Lead

Josselyn Haas
European Biomanufacturing Engineer Manager


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