English: Ferring Pharmaceuticals’ global headquarters in St-Prex, Switzerland. (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Biotechnology General (BTG), an Israeli-based company, launched a production line that increases the capacity of mammalian drug production at an investment of $17m.
The production line was set up at the BTG facilities in the Beer Tuvia Industrial Area in 2018. A team of 10 people was recruited and trained byt he company to optimize operation, most of which are engineers and academics.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals invested the money as BTG’s parent company, watching over as BTG produces drugs based on genetic engineering, including fertility drugs, growth hormone and arthritic pain relief products.
The inauguration was attended by Ferring President Per Falk, who said, “When we acquired BTG 14 years ago, the company came with two products which helped Ferring attain its current position. These products were the growth hormone and a preparation for cartilage degeneration.
“Over the years, BTG has expanded, developed and become very significant for us as the only one of our sites to produce genetically engineered drugs,” Falk continued. “Ferring’s aim is to be a world leader in reproductive medicine and maternal health, and BTG plays a central part in this.”
He concluded by thanking the “outstanding employees,” whose work enables people around the world “to have access to drugs and help build families.”
“Today’s launching of the new production line strengthens our capacity to go forward, expand and influence development of Ferring’s core fields as well as the health of hundreds and thousands of people all over the world,” said BTG CEO Tal Levi.
BTG is the oldest biological pharmaceutical company in Israel. It is one of the few pharmaceutical companies in Israel to bring products to the market.
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