NEW YORK–()–The Center for Biotechnology (CfB) will welcome hundreds of companies, investors and strategic partners from across the country to the Life Sciences Summit 2019, November 6-7, in New York City. The Summit is an early stage investor and business development conference that connects biotech companies with the capital and partners needed to move discoveries through clinical development. The two-day program features an Emerging Company Showcase, and issue-focused plenary sessions, business workshops, and therapeutic panels comprised of early stage investors and industry partners looking for investment opportunities.

What people are saying about LSS!

“Out of all the life science investor conferences, the Life Sciences Summit was by far the most productive for our company, ENB Therapeutics. Our Series A syndicate of investors was formed entirely from initial meetings at the Life Sciences Summit.”

Sumayah Jamal, MD-PhD, President, Co-founder.

“The Life Sciences Summit is an important conference for us—Syntimmune, the first early-stage investment from Apple Tree Partners’ current fund, grew out of a discussion that began over lunch at the Summit in 2013!”

Sam Hall, former Partner, Apple Tree Partners

“Life Sciences Summit is a superb conference that brings out the voice of the small company. The opportunity to showcase EpiDestiny at the LSS 2017, and the support from LSS organizing team, was very useful to sharpen our corporate strategy culminating in a collaboration with Novo Nordisk worth more than $400 million.”

Santhosh Vadivelu Ph.D, CEO, EpiDestiny

Diane Fabel, Director, Center for Biotechnology, says:

“It is our mission to help bioscience companies connect with the resources they need to move their technologies into and through clinical development. These companies represent the next generation of industry leaders, and it is exciting to be a part of their growth.”

Connect with CfB: Twitter @center4biotech, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Event Twitter & Hashtag: @LifeSciSummit #LifeSci2019

About: The Center for Biotechnology is designated by NYSTAR, NIH, BARDA, and the U.S. EDA to accelerate development of biomedical technologies, facilitate company formation, and support bioscience industry growth. Learn more about us at
